Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 4 - Stanley Market & Fam

Recap of a relatively low-key day:

It was only during lunch that I realized that my dad is working with a Toshiba touchscreen smartphone while I am struggling with my LG garbage of a sad.

After lunch with my dad, I met up with Sean, Wayne, and Winnie at Times Square where we had plans to hit up Stanley Market.
Saw this guy on the streets handing out flyers.  Look at the expression on his face.  Talk about job enthusiasm right there...and of course to make things worse, Sean and I decided to stand right in front of him and snap pics of him.  He stopped handing out flyers and just stared at us.... I ain't mad at you playa, I'd do that too if I had to wear a damn plane on my head haha

Picture of a cute baby pig over the restaurant slaughter house.  Nice.

Inside the mini bus aka most dangerous form of public transportation available in HK.  Only those that have ever ridden on it during night time know what I'm talking about.  Let me explain.  In every bus, there is a speedometer display in the front (where it says "13"), and whenever the speed reaches above the speed limit (or is it 60 or 65?), it starts beeping to let the driver know he/she is going too fast and should slow down.  This "rule" seems to only apply during the day.  I say this because the few times I took these busses after clubbing, the speedometer would be beeping the ENTIRE way.  The bus drivers would be going like 80 on a 40 road with extreme twists and turns with little regard for human life... and believe me, that is the last thing you want when your head is pounding from drinking...

 We made it to Stanley!

After walking through the market, we reached this area of rocks to take some pics of the scenery....and of the couple going at it on the right.  Ad for romantic getaway trip for 2?  I think so... 

After the picture taking, Wayne challenged me to climb onto a high rock and take a picture on it.  In return, if I did it, he would also have to climb onto another high rock.  Of course me being the superb spartan athlete that I am, leapt onto the rock with ease and did my victory pose...

But Wayne on the other hand...not so nice with challenge.  You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words?  I took the liberty of putting together this epic collage of Wayne's climbing fail.  How many words is this worth?

Other things we saw along the way: 

The mobile softee truck!  Didn't get to try it yet, but this is definitely going on my "Snacks to try" list. 

Flew halfway across the world and still got my Mocha frap.  I ordered and paid for a tall size but snatched a grande size that another kid ordered.  I know, so bad ass.  Sorry kid.

One of many different temples at Stanley. 

Probably the fluffiest dog alive.  It's like a dog having a 'fro, but instead of it being on his head, it's on every part of his body haha.  That's G. 

Some homo dude decided to jog the streets in the smallest speedo he could find.  He may not actually be homo, but seems like a safe assumption to me.  Oh, now THAT'S G. 

 Dinner with my dad and my grandma! Probably the most active 95 year-old I have ever seen, man I love her.  Poll question: Do I look like my dad? And if so, do I look like my grandma too?

 Ended off the night with some McD's ice cream with my dad.  Look at him going IN on that ice cream man...damn. Maybe that is where I get my sweet tooth from....

All in all, good day.  HK cruise tomorrow baby!!  Loving this vacation #100.


  1. can you steal that dog for me? please and thank you :)

  2. Man, I'd be pissed if I were that kid with the airplane on his head.

  3. Your fucking rock was a pebble compared to my mountain! FUCK YOU!

  4. @Wendy - so what'll it be - postcard or dog? haha

    @boondock - he's on the grind getting that paper!

    @wayne - hahahahaha no

  5. you guys should've went came to Repulse Bay to crash my brother's wedding. we had soooo much champagne left over... so we popped 6 of them at the "after party." LOL
